Office of Professional Standards

The Office of Professional Standards handles commendations, internal investigations, accreditation and media relations. The Office of Professional Standards’ activity has increased in response to the growth of the City’s population and the number of police department personnel.


If you had contact with a sworn or civilian employee of the Naperville Police Department where you felt they demonstrated great service and professionalism, please contact the Office of Professional Standards so we may recognize these efforts.

Internal Investigations

It is the policy of the Naperville Police Department to investigate all allegations of misconduct. The Office of Professional Standards is responsible for the investigation of complaints made against the department and its employees. Please contact this office if you have a complaint or concern with any Police Department personnel.

Media Relations

Collaboration with the news media and the use of social media provide valuable means of assisting the Department and its employees in meeting community outreach, problem-solving, investigative, crime prevention and related objectives. The Office of Professional Standards acts as a liaison between the Department and the news media and also oversees the dissemination of information to the community through the Department's social media accounts. 


Commander Rick Krakow

Office of Professional Standards
TEL: (630) 420-4137 EMAIL: