School Safety Programs

3rd Grade - On Your Own

“On Your Own” is a third-grade safety program presented to students in Naperville Community Unit School District 203, Indian Prairie School District 204 and all private schools in Naperville by a Community Education/Crime Prevention Specialist. The program helps ensure students are prepared to be safe when home alone.

Some of the areas covered include:

  • family rules and responsibilities
  • safety rules when home alone
  • making a schedule
  • keeping important phone numbers handy
  • handling emergencies
  • personal safety
  • confidence in their own abilities

“On Your Own” consists of a presentation followed by discussion with the children on topics they need to be aware of when home by themselves. To help reinforce the safety guidelines and encourage family discussion, the students also receive a booklet to take home and share with their parents.

Read the "On Your Own" Booklet

4th Grade - Be Smart, Be Safe

“Be Smart; Be Safe” is a fourth-grade program presented to students in Naperville Community Unit School District 203, Indian Prairie School District 204 and private schools by a Community Education/Crime Prevention Specialist. This program covers personal safety rules, suspect identification and internet safety. The objective of the program is to teach students how to be safe at home and within their community.

Specific areas of discussion include:

  • Safety rules
    • Safety in numbers. Use the buddy system.
    • Make sure someone knows where you are going and when you will return.
    • Avoid places where you can’t be seen or heard.
    • Remember the safety rule: Say NO, GO and TELL.
    • Telephone numbers are helpful. Keep important numbers handy.
  • How and why to call 911
  • How to identify a vehicle and person
  • Internet safety

Take the Internet Safety Pledge

5th Grade - Becoming a Tough Target

“Becoming a Tough Target” is a fifth-grade program presented to students in Naperville Community Unit School District 203 by a Community Education/Crime Prevention Specialist. Some of the areas covered in this 60-minute presentation for fifth graders include:

  • Definitions of a predator/prey
  • Understanding and recognizing where predators are found online
  • The importance of a good screen name
  • The dangers of personal profiles and social networking sites
  • Keeping personal information private
  • Recognizing the on-line grooming process
  • How to refuse inappropriate on-line advances
  • How to report suspicious online activities

6th Grade - You Can't Be Too Careful

“You Can’t Be Too Careful” is a sixth-grade program offered to students in Naperville’s private schools by a Community Education/Crime Prevention Specialist.

The program addresses personal safety on how to be safe at school, home and in the community with the goal of making students aware of their surroundings and avoid being the target of criminal behavior.

Crime prevention is stressed, and students are made aware that while Naperville is relatively safe, it is not crime free. Students are provided with the up-to-date crime statistics for Naperville and shown how these statistics compare to other cities of comparable size. Students are also given crime prevention tips and cautioned not to participate in or be involved with criminal behavior. Additional tips cover the department’s “Lock It or Lose It” campaign, use of the buddy system and avoiding carrying large sums of cash or expensive jewelry.

School Program Contacts

Page Bond
Community Education/Crime Prevention Specialist for District 203
TEL: (630) 305-7071

Mike Garofalo
Community Education/Crime Prevention Specialist for District 204 and Private Schools
TEL: (630) 420-6667