Environmental Sustainability
Sustainable approaches to providing local government services help ensure a higher quality of life for future generations. Naperville’s sustainability successes largely have been achieved through partnerships with many organizations, businesses and residents. Through our willingness to pursue innovative sustainable solutions, the City has found cost efficiencies in line with our sound fiscal management philosophy.
Contact Information
Ben Mjolsness
Sustainability Manager
Community Services Dept.
(630) 420-6087
Sustainability Workplan
In August 2021, the Naperville City Council approved a Sustainability Workplan. A collaborative effort between City staff and the Naperville Environment and Sustainability Task Force, the Workplan organizes and guides the City’s efforts toward a more sustainable and resilient Naperville.
View the Sustainability WorkplanSustainability Data
As part of our sustainability efforts, we track key sustainability performance indicators and accomplishments. This data helps us use our resources responsibly and measure the progress of the Sustainability Workplan.
Explore Sustainability DataSustainable Naperville 2036 - N.E.S.T.
Sustainable Naperville 2036 is a 15-year vision created by N.E.S.T., the Naperville Environment & Sustainability Task Force, which recommends incremental transitions to a cleaner, more efficient, less wasteful, environmentally robust, economically sound and just, healthy, inclusive and resilient community.
City Leadership in Sustainability
The City of Naperville aims to be a leader in the field of sustainability by partnering with organizations, residents and businesses to pursue innovative solutions in local government services.
Sustainability Incentives and Rebates
The City of Naperville offers the following incentives and rebates to help residents and utility customers make sustainable improvements.
Sustainability in Transportation
The City of Naperville supports sustainability in transportation by encouraging use of public transportation, walking, biking and electric or compressed natural gas vehicles.
Sustainability for Businesses
View programs and resources that help Naperville businesses protect the environment while working toward a healthier and more sustainable future.
Sustainability for Residents
View programs and resources that help residents protect the environment while working toward a healthier and more sustainable future.
Waste and Recycling
Learn about curbside waste and recycling services and other options to reduce, reuse and recycle.
Building and Development
Learn about sustainable best practices for new development, redevelopment and renovations.
Natural Resources
Learn about City of Naperville programs, services and resources that help preserve and protect our natural resources.
Sustainable Energy
The City of Naperville is advancing sustainable energy use through rebates, grants and the Renewable Energy Program.
Sustainability Links and Resources
View additional resources that complement the City’s efforts to protect our environment and natural resources while working toward a healthier and more sustainable future.