Millennium Wall

Grass-covered stairs lead to a wall where names of donors to Millennium 2000 are inscribed on bronze panels.


Naperville’s Millennium Wall expresses thanks and appreciation to everyone who contributed to Celebration 2000, a Citywide festival held to welcome in the third millennium. Each inscription on the wall bears the name of a Naperville individual or business who contributed financially to Celebration 2000. The wall represents Naperville citizens working and planning together, united in a spirit of respect and honor for their shared lives within the community.

The original Millennium Wall was rebuilt in 2010 as the original wall was leaning. The list of original donors is now cast in bronze instead of the tiles that were originally used.


Located on the Riverwalk at Jackson Avenue between Webster and Eagle streets, the Millennium Wall anchors the top of the Riverwalk Amphitheater. Many free programs are offered year round at the open-air, multi-tiered amphitheater. A brick labyrinth path creates the amphitheater’s stage.

Find Your Name

If you are trying to locate a name on the wall, please contact Rebecca DeLarme at (630) 420-4108 or