Boards and Commissions

Naperville is an active community with a vibrant volunteer spirit. The volunteers who serve on City boards and commissions exemplify outstanding community involvement. Appointments are reserved for residents and made by the Mayor, with approval from the City Council, based on experience and interest. Boards and Commissions with available vacancies are listed on the right side of this page, but applications may be submitted for any board/commission even if there is not a current vacancy. To apply, click on the board or commission name to be taken to that particular webpage and click on the "Apply" button. 

Like any volunteer opportunity, serving as a board or commission member requires time and effort. Before completing an application to serve on a board or commission with the City of Naperville, applicants are encouraged to review the Boards and Commissions Guide to help assess which board/commission is a good fit and to make sure they understand the roles and responsibilities of the board/commission.

View the Boards and Commissions Guide

Learn More about the Application Process 

Explore the demographic makeup
of Naperville’s boards and commissions

Download the Aug. 23 "An Introduction to City Boards
and Commissions" presentation

Any individual with a disability requesting a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in a public meeting should contact the Communications Department at least 48 hours in advance of the scheduled meeting. The Communications Department can be reached in person at 400 S. Eagle Street, Naperville, IL, via telephone at (630) 420-6707 or via e-mail at Every effort will be made to allow for meeting participation.

Sign Up to Speak at a Council Meeting

Online speaker sign-up is available for Council meetings as soon as the agenda is released, typically the Wednesday prior to the meeting.

Speaker Sign-Up

WCNC Government Access Television

WCNC lets you watch city government meetings and the Illinois Channel to stay connected to your local and state governments. The station is available on Ch. 6 for Astound customers, Ch. 10 for Comcast customers, and Ch. 99 for AT&T U-verse customers.

View schedule

Meeting Agendas Straight to You

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Inside this section

Boards and Commissions News
  1. March 27 Historic Preservation Committee Meeting Canceled

    The next regularly scheduled meeting is Thursday, May 22.

  2. March 19 Building Review Board Meeting Canceled

    The next regularly scheduled meeting is Wednesday, April 16.

  3. Public Utilities Advisory Board Meeting Added

    The meeting will take place on Tuesday, April 8 at 5 p.m. in Council Chambers of the Naperville Municipal Center.