City Council Speaker Sign-Up
As outlined in the Naperville Municipal Code, regular meetings of the City Council begin at 7 p.m. and conclude at 11 p.m. The City Council has the authority to manage the agenda in a manner to complete City business as published on the agenda within the codified four hours. As such, depending on the number of individuals signed up to speak under Public Forum, the City Council may vote to divide the list and move a portion of the speakers to the end of the agenda to be heard before New Business.
How to Participate
Online sign-up for a particular meeting is available once the meeting agenda is published on the City’s website, typically the Wednesday prior to the date of the meeting. The public can sign up to speak or submit a written comment or position of support or opposition on any agenda item or under Public Forum.
Members of the public will have the opportunity to address the City Council during a meeting in the following ways:
- Sign up to speak during the live meeting in-person in City Council Chambers.
The public may sign up online to speak in-person or have their name added to the speaker list by calling the Community Services Department at (630) 305-5300.
The deadline for online sign-ups and phone call requests to be added to the speaker list is 6:30 p.m. on the day of the meeting (or 30 minutes prior to the beginning of the meeting when it does not begin at 7 p.m.). Please note the start of the meeting to ensure you do not miss the deadline. There will be no on-site speaker sign up permitted.
If you are utilizing the call-in sign-up option, you will only be allowed to sign yourself up to speak. Signing up another person or group of people is not permitted.
Submit a written comment or a position of support or opposition for a specific agenda item.
The public may submit a written comment or position statement online until 4 p.m. on the day of the meeting (or 2.5 hours prior to the beginning of the meeting when it is not scheduled to begin at 7 p.m.).
The number of written comments and position statements received will be read after the title of the particular agenda item. All written comments and names of those who submit position statements will be shared with the City Council and posted in the City’s meeting management system on the day of the meeting.
Upon submission of the online registration form, please ensure you receive an on-screen confirmation message indicating you have successfully signed up to speak. If you do not receive an on-screen confirmation message or have other questions about online sign-up, please contact the Community Services Department by calling (630) 305-5300.
City Council Meeting Speaker Sign-Up
Citizen Participation Guidelines
Citizen participation rules are outlined in section 1-5-6-6: - CITIZEN PARTICIPATION of the Naperville Municipal Code.
The City Welcomes All Views and Opinions
All viewpoints are welcome, positive comments and constructive criticism are encouraged. Speakers must refrain from harassing or directing threats or personal attacks at Council members, staff, other speakers or members of the public. Comments made to intentionally disrupt the meeting may be managed as necessary to maintain appropriate decorum and allow for city business to be accomplished.
Time Limits
Speakers must limit their remarks to no more than three minutes. Petitioners may speak on an agenda item first and have up to 10 minutes, and are also granted a five-minute rebuttal once all other speakers have commented.
When Your Name is Called
If you signed up to speak, staff will call your name at the appropriate time during the City Council meeting. Once your name is called you may identify yourself for the public record and then address remarks to the City Council as a whole. Speak clearly and try to limit remarks directly to the matter under discussion. Speakers are called in the order they sign up.
Groups are encouraged to select a person to speak on behalf of the group/organization. Groups of speakers are also encouraged to consolidate their comments and avoid repetition.
Any person that does not conform to the rules provided in the Municipal Code, or acts in a disorderly manner, so as to disrupt the ability of the City Council to efficiently conduct its meeting may be expelled from the chambers for the remainder of the meeting by the Mayor or a majority vote by the City Council.
Public Accommodation
Any individual who may require accommodation to listen to or participate in the meeting should contact the Community Services Department at (630) 305-5300, by 5 p.m. the day of the meeting.