Planning and Zoning Commission

Meeting Cancelation

The Dec. 18 meeting has been canceled due to a lack of agenda items. The next regularly scheduled meeting will be Jan. 15.

Submission of Written Comments Prior to the Meeting/Public Hearing

Written comments may be emailed to

  • Written comments received by 5 p.m. the Wednesday before the meeting will be included in the meeting packet sent to the PZC. This meeting packet is also posted on the City’s website.  
  • Written comments received after 5 p.m. the Wednesday before the meeting through 5 p.m. the day before the meeting will be emailed directly to the PZC, but will not be included in the PZC packet or posted online. 
  • Written comments received after 5 p.m. the day before the meeting will be added to the case file.  

Addressing the Commission

Citizens wishing to address the Planning and Zoning Commission must sign up in-person on the day of the meeting outside of City Council Chambers between 6:30 and 6:50 p.m. Written materials which are relevant to a public comment or public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission (e.g. a PowerPoint, photographs, reports) should be sent electronically to by 10 p.m. on the Friday before the meeting.

Public Accommodation

Any individual who may require an accommodation to listen to or participate in the meeting, should contact the Community Services Department at (630) 305-5300, by 5 p.m. the day of the meeting.

Citizen Participation Guidelines

The citizen participation guidelines are outlined in 1-5-6-6: - CITIZEN PARTICIPATION of the Naperville Municipal Code.

All viewpoints and opinions are welcome, positive comments and constructive criticism are encouraged. Speakers must refrain from harassing or directing threats or personal attacks at Commission members, staff, other speakers or members of the public. Comments made to intentionally disrupt the meeting may be managed as necessary to maintain appropriate decorum and allow for city business to be accomplished. 

If you signed up to speak, staff will call your name at the appropriate time during the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Once your name is called you may identify yourself for the public record and then address remarks to the Planning and Zoning Commission as a whole. Speak clearly and try to limit remarks directly to the matter under discussion. Speakers are called in the order they sign up. 

Contacting the Commission

Please note that this email account may not be regularly monitored and a response to your email may not be provided. If you wish to have the content of your email included in the PZC case file, please forward it to Naperville’s Planning staff at Planning staff members also can be contacted at (630) 420-6694 if you have any questions. 

PUBLIC RECORDS NOTICE: All emails to or from members of the City of Naperville Planning and Zoning Commission pertaining to public business are subject to disclosure under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act, with possible redactions for exempt information. [5 ILCS140/1 et seq.].