Sustainable Energy

The City of Naperville is advancing sustainable energy use in a variety of ways. Learn more about these sustainable solutions below.

Solar Energy

City-Owned Solar Facilities

Naperville strongly supports the pursuit of clean, renewable energy, including the installation of solar panels right here in the community. Beyond our Renewable Energy Program, which offers rebates to residents, businesses and other organizations who choose to install solar panels on their property, the City has invested in solar energy installations on the Municipal Center (56.3 kW capacity, installed in October 2018), Public Works Service Center (54.7 kW capacity, installed in February 2020), and the Electric Service Center (57.8 kW capacity, installed in December 2020).  Energy generated by these solar installations is used directly at these buildings, thereby reducing the City’s demand for electricity from the grid. The City also collaborated with the Illinois Municipal Electric Agency to install 3,348 solar panels at the City’s Springbrook Water Reclamation Center in 2021. This helps lower carbon dioxide emissions and pollution from power plants and reduce our energy costs.

Residential Solar Facilities

Naperville Electric Utility customers have the right to interconnect their own solar facilities to the City’s utility distribution system. The Utility offers incentives up to $1,750 ($250/kW AC at AC Inverter, 7 kW AC Max.), based on the size of the system, for residential solar panel installations and provides a solar installation checklist to guide residents through the process.

View solar panel guidelines

Renewable Energy Program

The Naperville Renewable Energy Program provides funding for projects that expand opportunities to learn about renewable solutions, increase renewable energy usage to help displace fossil fuels and can be replicated. Customers support the program through an additional charge on their monthly utility bill. Commercial customers can apply for grants that are funded by the program.

Join the Renewable Energy program

Energy Efficiency Incentive Programs

The City offers a variety of rebate programs to support customers installing renewable energy projects, smart thermostats, air conditioners, energy-efficient attic insulation/windows and more. Natural gas utility Nicor Gas and the Illinois Municipal Electric Agency offer rebates for Naperville residents as well.

View available energy efficiency rebates

Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Fueling Station

an overhead view of Naperville's compressed natural gas stationIn late 2020, the City – along with private CNG provider Trillium and refuse contractor Groot Industries – opened Naperville’s first CNG fueling station. The unstaffed station, which is open to the public 24 hours a day at 1720 W. Jefferson Ave., features multiple CNG dispensers for light- and heavy-duty fueling.

In 2021, the City, Trillium and Groot received the Chicago Area Clean Cities Coalition’s Public-Private Partnership Award for the station and its presence as a cleaner energy source that helps reduce emissions from fleet vehicles.

Learn about the compressed natural gas station

Powering Our Community for the Future

For details about Naperville's environmentally friendly decisions and future-focused energy use, visit our Electric Utility's Powering Our Community for the Future page.