Social Services Grant Program

Final CY25 SSG Grant Awards

CY2025 Social Service Grant Final Awards

Final CY25 Opioid Remediation Awards

CY2025 Opioid Remediation Grant Final Awards

Important Dates for 2026 Social Service & Opioid Remediation Grants

  • Sept. 11, 2025 - Pre-Application Workshop & Information Session,  Municipal Center, 400 S. Eagle Street, Naperville, 11 a.m. - Council Chambers
  • Sept. 11, 2025 - Social Service and Opioid Remediation Grant Applications Open
  • Oct.10, 2025 - Social Service and Opioid Remediation Grant Applications Due by 5 p.m. 
  • Dec. 16, 2025 - City Council approval of allocations
  • Jan. 1, 2026 - 2026 Social Service Grant and Opioid Remediation Grant Year Begins 

Social Service Grant (SSG)  - $750,000

The City of Naperville created the Social Service Grant (SSG) to enhance social service activities for community benefit. The purpose of the fund is to provide financial assistance to non-profit social service agencies serving Naperville residents. Objectives of the grant fund are funding: Emergency Services, Seniors, Youth, Special Populations, Self-Sufficiency Projects. Transportation is a subsection of each objective category. Eligible grant recipients must be non-profit 501(c)(3) organization or recognized as a State of Illinois non-profit entity. The service provided must meet the objectives of the grant fund and address a perceived need or problem in the community. Mental health services are a priority for 2025. The organization must serve City of Naperville residents and demonstrate ongoing fundraising efforts. All organizations receiving SSG funds are subject to the requirements in the 2025 SSG Grantee Manual.pdf

Opioid Remediation Grant - $100,000

The City of Naperville receives National Multistate Opioid Settlement funds from the State of Illinois. The City Council has approved $100,000 of these funds to be awarded in grants for opioid remediation programs and services. Recipients are not required to be a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Projects must qualify as an approved abatement program under settlement restrictions and must impact Naperville residents. Approved abatement programs include the following: 

    1. Training and increasing distribution of Naloxone or other FDA-approved drug to reverse opioid overdoses
    2. Medication-assisted treatment to individuals who are uninsured or underinsured
    3. Treatment and recovery support services such as residential and inpatient treatment, intensive outpatient treatment, outpatient therapy or counseling, recovery housing, and harm reduction
    4. Screening, intervention and treatment services for pregnant and postpartum women and recovery for neonatal abstinence syndrome
    5. Warm hand-off programs and recovery services, including comprehensive wrap-around services for individuals in recovery
    6. Evidence-based education for school-based and youth-focused programs that discourage and prevent misuse of opioids
    7. Syringe service programs and expanding community drug disposal programs
    8. Media campaigns and public education to prevent misuse of opioids

For a complete list of approved abatement programs, see Exhibit B of Illinois Opioid Allocation Agreement - Approved Abatement Programs

Required Forms

As a Social Services Grant (SSG) Grantee, you are required to fill out and submit the following forms below to complete the funding process. A complete overview of the program, including forms, can be found in the Grantees Manual.pdf

Amending Agreements

In case of any changes to the “Grantee Agreement,” a grantee needs to submit the amendment form explaining proposed changes. No changes to the project can be made without the approval of the City of Naperville.


The City of Naperville requires grantees to report on grant progress through the life of the project. The reporting forms can be accessed below and are applicable to all projects.

  • Final Program and Financial Report Due within thirty (30) days after the end of the program year, which is December 31; or thirty (30) days after project completion, whichever is sooner

Request for Payment

In order to be reimbursed, a grantee must fill out the Request for Payment form and submit all required supporting documentation. Requests for Payment are due the 10th of each month.