Task Forces
About Task Forces
Task forces are informal, privately organized and led groups that provide valuable input to the City on a specific topic. While task forces are often encouraged by the City as helpful groups that can provide opinions and recommendations, they operate independently, are not officially sanctioned or directed by the City and are structured differently than the City’s formal boards and commissions.
Unlike boards and commissions, the City Council is not involved in the appointment of those serving on a task force, how the task force is organized, the format of meetings and topics discussed and how task force missions are created and carried out. Task forces have no limitation on residency. Participation is voluntary and task force members do not receive any compensation from the City.
Under the task force format, City staff and/or City Council members may still attend task force meetings as needed, depending on the topics being discussed; however, City staff is not involved in administration of a task force. Compliance with Open Meetings Act regulations are not required because task forces are not created or regulated by the City, so they are not public bodies.
Community Task Forces
The Accessible Community Task Force complements the efforts of the Advisory Commission on Disabilities and will look beyond City-owned and operated programs/facilities to assist individuals and private companies.
The Naperville Downtown Advisory Committee guides the physical improvement and development of downtown Naperville.
The Naperville Environment and Sustainability Task Force is a group of concerned citizens working to enhance environmental sustainability by creating a climate action plan that will keep Naperville at the forefront of sustainability and climate action. The group submitted the Sustainable Naperville 2036 report to the City, which was discussed by the City Council in summer 2021.
The Senior Task Force, which was established in 2014, is helping to address the unique needs of Naperville's growing senior population.