Tenants and Landlords

City of Naperville Bans Short-Term Rentals

The Naperville City Council passed Ordinance No. 20-087 banning short term rentals in the City of Naperville at the August 18, 2020 City Council meeting. Further details about the ordinance can be found below. 

While landlords and tenants in the City of Naperville are responsible for researching and understanding their rights and obligations, the City wants to ensure that general rules and enforcements are followed so that code complaints are reduced and the overall living situation in Naperville is enhanced regardless if you are a renter or a landlord.

For Tenants and Landlords

Everyone has a fair and equal opportunity to purchase, own, lease or occupy housing within the City of Naperville without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, familial status, physical or mental disability, military status, sexual orientation or legal source of income as outlined in Naperville’s Human Rights and Fair Housing Ordinance.

If you feel that you have been discriminated against by a landlord, property manager, real estate agent, home loan officer, housing developer, or insurance agent regarding a housing related transaction, contact Naperville's Human Rights and Fair Housing Commission or call (630) 305-5315.

Beyond human rights and fair housing standards, landlords and tenants are required to abide by city ordinances that ultimately ensure safe and sanitary living conditions. Some general property maintenance rules are listed below:


Garbage containers may be placed at the curb the evening before the day of trash collection and must be removed from the curb by 7 p.m. the day of collection.


Grass or weeds may not exceed five inches in height in the right-of-way, and eight inches in height on private property (including flower beds).


Sidewalks must remain unobstructed and must be clear of snow and ice exceeding 2” in accumulation within 48 hours following inclement weather.


Vehicles cannot obstruct the sidewalk. They may not be parked on the lawn or on the street overnight.


Pets cannot be a public nuisance by habitually barking, howling, crying or running at large. Pets must be leashed in all public places and owners must clean up all animal waste.

Exterior Upkeep

Peeling, flaking and chipped paint on exterior wood surfaces is not permitted. Metal surfaces must be coated to prevent rust and corrosion. Stairways, porch floors and other load-bearing surfaces must be free from deterioration and structurally sound. Exterior walls and foundations shall be free from cracks, breaks and holes.


The maximum number of people allowed to live in a residence is based on habitable square footage of the residence. Bathrooms, toilet rooms, closets, halls and storage / utility spaces and certain basement areas are not considered habitable spaces. Please contact Code Enforcement at 630-420-6693 for more specific information.


Heat must be maintained in residences at a temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit in all habitable rooms, bathrooms and toilet rooms from October 1 to May 1. Cooking facilities should not used for space heating.


Electrical hazards, such as deteriorated, damaged, worn or defective wiring; exposed conductors; missing or damaged device cover plates; and excessive use of extension cords, must be avoided.


Sewer gases are not allowed to enter residences and should not leak from supply or discharge piping. Water heaters should be capable of providing adequate water at no less than 110 degrees Fahrenheit.

Tenants concerned about the condition of their rented unit who feel their landlord is not abiding by city ordinances and might be negligent to their safety and welfare are encouraged to call the City at (630) 420-6693 or by emailing CodeEnforcement@naperville.il.us to request an inspection by city inspectors.

Short-Term Rentals

The Naperville City Council passed an ordinance banning short term rentals in the City of Naperville at the August 18, 2020 City Council meeting (Ordinance No. 20-087). Effective September 1, 2020, it is unlawful to operate, use, offer for rent, or advertise for rent or use, any property within the corporate limits of the City of Naperville as a short-term residential rental. Ordinance No. 20- provides for fines of $1,000 per day for violations of the Ordinance, increasing to $2,500 per day for subsequent offenses within a 12-month period.

Read the Ordinance

Pre-Existing Short-Term Rental Limited Exception

If it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the City Attorney that a short-term rental agreement was signed by all parties prior to August 19, 2020 for rental dates through October 19, 2020, the City ordinance permits the short-term rental to occur. However, if a short-term rental agreement was signed after August 19, 2020, and/or provides for short-term rentals after October 19, 2020, the City ordinance prohibits those short-term rentals from taking place.

For questions regarding the ordinance, please email Allison Laff at laffa@naperville.il.us.   

Boarding Rooms

A boarding room is a room within a home that is rented for sleeping and living quarters. Boarding rooms can only be rented from owner-occupied structures up to a maximum of two boarding rooms per single-family structure, or one boarding room for all other dwelling types. Boarding tenants must be provided access to common areas of the home (entry, living and bathroom areas), and cannot impose in overflow parking impacts onto the public right-of-way or lawn.

Utility Deposits

Utility customers are required to place a deposit for service. For renters, deposits will be credited to the customer’s final bill and any remaining balance will be refunded. If a renter does not pay his/her utility bills, the city holds the property owner liable and files a lien against the property.

Landlords of rental property are asked to register their rental properties with the City's Finance Department for utility purposes.

Finance Department

400 S. Eagle St.
Naperville, IL 60540
TEL: (630) 420-6059

In-person hours:
Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Call Center hours for billing/payment questions:
Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Saturday, 8 a.m. - noon