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Transition Services

Organizations and agencies that provide services for families in planning the transition experience from post-secondary education to adult life for young adults with disabilities

DuPage Transition Planning Committee

The DuPage Transition Planning Committee is a group composed of representatives from the local school districts, adult service providers, representatives of the business community, parents and clients that meets to network, educate, learn, share and support services for individuals with disabilities.


TEL: (708) 354-5740

This transition series is designed to assist parents and families in preparing students for the change from life as a student in school to life as a citizen of the community.

School-to-Work Transition Guide

This resource is designed to assist transition-aged students and their families as they plan for the transition from school to adult life.

UCP Seguin Building Bridges to the Future

TEL: (708) 863-3803

This program serves special education students and their families as they transition from high school to adult services.