Programs and Services
The Naperville Fire Department provides fire suppression, fire prevention, emergency medical and specialized rescue services, as well as public education programs targeted toward the needs of the community. The department has been awarded accredited status by the Center for Public Safety Excellence.
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Ambulance Service
The Department operates seven paramedic ambulances 24 hours per day in addition to equipping all front line fire engines with paramedic equipment.
Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT)
The Naperville Fire Department is a licensed administrator of the Candidate Physical Ability Test, or CPAT, which assesses the physical capability of firefighter candidates.
Caring Hands
Provide first responders with critical facts about yourself or a loved one with developmental, intellectual, medical or physical disabilities who may require special assistance during an emergency.
Community Connect
The Naperville Fire Department partners with Community Connect to provide residents a free, secure and simple way to provide critical information about their households to our first responders.
Fire Alarm Monitoring
Alarm radios and fire alarm monitoring are available through the Naperville Fire Department.
First Aid and CPR/AED Certification
The Naperville Fire Department offers First Aid and CPR/AED certification and recertification classes to citizens and healthcare providers.
Hire a Paramedic
Third parties can hire Naperville Fire Department Paramedics to provide onsite emergency medical services at sporting or other events.
Naperville Fire Cadets
This cadet program offers young people an insight to the field of fire and EMS services.
Prescription Drug Drop Box Program
Safely dispose of unused/expired prescription or over-the-counter medications through Naperville's Prescription Drug Drop Box Program.
PulsePoint Respond
PulsePoint Respond reports cardiac emergencies to app users at the same time as the City’s Dispatch sends out an EMS team so CPR or AED can be administered more rapidly and increase survival odds.
Naperville Residential Sharps Disposal Program
The Naperville Sharps Disposal Program, a program funded by a generous grant from the IEPA, offers residents a free, convenient and safe way to dispose of used medical needles and syringes.
Safe Haven - Abandoned Infant Protection
The Naperville Police Department and all 10 Naperville Fire Stations serve as safe havens under the Illinois Abandoned Newborn Infant Protection Act.
Senior Home Fire Safety Surveys
Naperville senior citizens can receive in-home safety and security information as well as fire and fall prevention tips through this free program.
Temporary Residential Lock Box Program
Provide first responders with a secure way to enter your home in case of a medical emergency.
Y-FIRE Program
Nationally, over 50% of all arson arrests are youths under the age of 18. The Y-Fire Program is designed to enlighten parents and children about fire safety and the consequences of fire play.
Resources for Businesses

Did you know?
House Numbers
According to the Naperville Municipal Code, all properties must display addresses that are plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property. The address numbers must be Arabic numerals of a contrasting color to the building's exterior.