CPAT Frequently Asked Questions
What are the qualifications to participate in the CPAT in Naperville?
Applicants must be 18 years of age and possess a valid driver's license or state I.D. card.
What is the fee to participate in the CPAT in Naperville?
The cost is $160 each time you challenge the test. This fee includes an orientation, up to two optional practice tests, and one test.
What should I wear to the orientation, practice tests and test?
The dress code is strictly enforced for safety. Participation in any CPAT activity (including orientation) requires long pants (no shorts), a t-shirt of sweatshirt, footwear without an exposed heel or toe, and no loose or restrictive jewelry, including watches. Candidates not adhering to this dress code will not be allowed to participate in any CPAT activities.
What will take place during an orientation session?
To help ensure a candidate's success on the CPAT, Naperville's orientation includes an explanation of the test and its physical demands, recommendations of training and conditioning drills, and an opportunity to preview and practice the exercises with experienced CPAT proctors.
What will take place during a practice test?
At practice sessions, candidates are given the opportunity to practice all eight CPAT exercises under the guidance of experienced CPAT proctors. If the candidate successfully completes the CPAT practice test, he/she is eligible to receive a CPAT Identification Card from Naperville and, therefore, is not required to take the CPAT on the later scheduled test date.
Can I take the test more than once?
Yes. If a candidate is unsuccessful in passing the CPAT, he/she may reregister for a future testing session. The fee to participate is $160 and includes an orientation, up to two optional practice tests, and another test.
What if I don't want to go through orientation and practice sessions?
Open Test Challenges (one-time tries) are available for those candidates who do not wish to attend orientation and practice sessions. Candidates will waive the orientation and any practice upon arrival at the test. Candidates may challenge CPAT during Timed Course Practice dates or CPAT Test dates. Please select the session you wish to attend and fill out the corresponding registration form, which must be completed and received with your payment by the Naperville Fire Department no later than 5 p.m. on the date indicated.
Does my CPAT Identification Card expire?
CPAT cards only include the date on which you passed the test. Acceptance of this card is at the discretion of each agency. Traditionally, candidates are encouraged to have a card that is no more than one year from the date you are applying for employment.
Can I reschedule my session or get a refund if I can't make my session?
At the discretion of Naperville Fire Department, a candidate may reschedule an Orientation Session, Practice Test Session or CPAT Test & Ladder Climb Exercise if requested at least seven (7) days in advance. 'NO-SHOWS' ARE NOT ELIGIBLE TO BE RESCHEDULED OR REFUNDED.