K-9 Unit

two German Shepherds and two Labrador Retrievers (one yellow, one black)

The Police Department maintains four K-9 teams. Two teams are assigned to the Patrol Division and two teams are assigned to the Investigations Division.

Officer Peter Konow and his partner Rocco (Dutch Shepherd) and Officer Alexis Hammer and her partner Dax (German Shepherd) are each assigned to patrol and work similar schedules to the patrol officers. These are uniformed positions, with each officer driving a specially marked K-9 vehicle. Along with general patrol duties, the patrol K-9 officers conduct building, evidence and suspect searches; track missing persons and suspects; and detect illegal narcotics. Rocco joined the Naperville Police Department in 2017, and Dax joined in 2022.

Officer Matt Susnis and his partner Riggs (Labrador Retriever) are assigned to the Investigations Division’s drug unit. Riggs is a single-purpose police K-9 trained to detect illegal narcotics. He assists with traffic stops and the department’s proactive enforcement of drug laws along with warrant sniffs at residences. Single-purpose narcotics dogs have outstanding focus and excel at their jobs since all their training is focused on one task. Riggs joined the Naperville Police Department in 2022.

Officer Brett Kohler and his partner Scout (Labrador Retriever) are assigned to the Investigations Division’s strategic response team. Scout is a single-purpose police K-9 trained to detect explosive compounds that are commonly used in bombs. He assists with searches of open areas, buildings, and vehicles to ensure public safety from explosives. Scout joined the Naperville Police Department in 2025.

The K-9 teams spend a considerable amount of time training to maintain their proficiency. The initial training consists of rigorous multi-week program that not only prepares them for the jobs listed above, but also in how to work together as a team. After the initial training, the teams engage in formal bi-monthly training, which helps keep the team sharp. There are also countless hours of extra training time that these partners engage in to hone and master their craft. All the teams are ILETSB certified, which is an annual procedure.

The use of K-9 teams has proven to be an excellent tool for this department and law enforcement in general. The K-9s have a keen sense of smell that gives them the ability to locate people, dangerous materials, and/or evidence. The dogs also offer the handler and other officers an element of safety through their natural instinct to protect.

In addition to their work responsibilities, the K-9 officers are also heavily involved in the community, as they often make public appearances and give presentations to a variety of community groups. The K-9s are valued members of our family here at the Naperville Police Department and offer us another means to help keep our residents and community safe!