Crime Free Multi-Housing Program

Crime Free Housing LogoThe City of Naperville’s Crime Free Multi-Housing program is designed to help residents, owners and managers of rental units keep drugs and other illegal activity off their properties. This program was successfully developed at the Mesa, Arizona Police Department in 1992. The City of Naperville started the Crime Free Multi-Housing program in March 2002.

The program is a nationally recognized, effective way to reduce crime and criminal behavior in rental properties. It utilizes a unique, three-part approach which ensures the crime prevention goal while maintaining a resident-friendly approach. This program covers all residential rental units, including apartments, single-family homes, individual condominiums and townhomes. This program can also be adopted by homeowner’s associations to effectively manage the portions of their associations that are rental units.

  1. Phase One: This phase involves a two and a half hour seminar presented to landlords and property managers by the Naperville Police Department. Scroll down to see upcoming seminar information.
  2. Phase Two: This phase certifies the rental property has met certain security and safety requirements. This phase is designed for properties with five or more units.
  3. Phase Three: Properties are required hold a resident “safety social” or crime prevention meeting to emphasize crime prevention strategies within their neighborhood. This phase is designed for properties with five or more units and is required to be a fully certified property.

Crime Free Multi-Housing Program Brochure (PDF)

Next Seminar

Tuesday, March 25, 2025 | 6 - 8:30 p.m. | zoom

Crime Free Housing Seminar Registration

Participant Information:

Participant Information:

Property Information:

Property Information:

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The Naperville Crime Free Multi-Housing Program was designed to assist tenants, owners and managers of rental communities in keeping drugs and other illegal activity away from their property.

This free seminar addresses these topics:

  • Crime Prevention Strategies
  • C.P.T.E.D. Concepts (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design)
  • Rental Contracts
  • Being a Proactive Manager
  • Combating Crime Problems
  • Police: To Serve and Protect?
  • Legal Updates
  • Applicant Screening
  • Crime Free Lease Addendum
  • Dealing with Non-compliance: The Eviction Process

Crime Free Lease Addendum

The Crime Free Lease Addendum is a large part of the Crime Free Multi-Housing Program. The addendum acts as a civil contract between a landlord and tenant where the rental applicant agrees prior to moving in to abide by all property rules and not participate in or allow criminal activity within their home. The Crime Free Lease Addendum is open to any landlord who would like to utilize the document, regardless of whether they choose to participate in the Crime Free Multi-Housing Program.

 Crime Free Lease Addendum (PDF)


Julie Smith

Crime Prevention Specialist
TEL: (630) 305-5450 EMAIL: