Solicitors/Peddlers/Tag Days/Food Vendors

Important Solicitor and Peddler Information

Solicitors and peddlers must register with the City in order to go door-to-door in Naperville. Permitted solicitors and peddlers are issued a badge by the City  containing the solicitor's name, company and photo that must be worn while soliciting or peddling. (Please note that City permitting of a solicitor or peddler does not imply City endorsement of that business or service. It merely indicates that the individual has obtained a City of Naperville permit to go door-to-door as required by City Ordinance.) If you encounter a non-permitted solicitor or peddler in your neighborhood, please call 9-1-1.

All solicitors, peddlers and tag day participants must be permitted to operate in the City of Naperville. 

Please note that no permit is needed for distributing door hangers. However, adherence to the time restrictions listed below is encouraged.

  • No peddling/soliciting/tagging is allowed on Sundays or on State or Federal holidays. Other time restrictions include:
    • Soliciting/Peddling - Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. only
    • Tag Days - Monday through Saturday, 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. only

Solicitor ID PhotoPermitted solicitors will be issued a badge by the City containing the solicitor's name, company and photo, similar to the example pictured at right.

Please note that the City's issuance of a permit to a solicitor or peddler does not imply City endorsement of that individual’s business or service. It merely indicates that the peddler has obtained a City of Naperville permit to go door-to-door as required by City Ordinance.

Apply for a Permit

To apply for a permit, please visit the Civic Access portal. The Civic Access portal gathers all of the information needed to apply, pay for, and manage permits in one convenient place. It is designed for use on a desktop/laptop computer.

"No Soliciting or Peddling"

Residents may post a 3"x 4" "No Soliciting or Peddling Permitted on Premises" sign or pick up a free sticker at the following locations:

Community Services Department

Municipal Center
400 S. Eagle Street
Naperville, IL 60540
TEL: (630) 305-5300 EMAIL:

First Floor, East Wing
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Naperville Police Department

1350 Aurora Ave.
Naperville, IL 60540
TEL: (630) 420-6666

In an emergency, dial 9-1-1


Please call the non emergency number for the Naperville Police Department at 630-420-6666 if you see a non-licensed solicitor or peddler in your neighborhood. For all other questions contact the Community Services Department at (630) 305-5300.