Water Meter Replacement/Maintenance Program

The City of Naperville is committed to providing residents with safe, reliable and cost-efficient water services. Water meters deteriorate with age, losing accuracy as their moving parts wear out. As a result, the meter’s gauge slows down and is unable to effectively track the total amount of water that moves through the meter. Planned replacement of older meters ensures customers will be billed fairly and accurately. To help increase the efficiency of the water meter reading process, Naperville’s Water Utility routinely replaces older water meters that have outlived their useful life when maintenance is no longer viable.

2025 Replacement Program

The City has contracted with Calumet City Plumbing Co., Inc. to replace approximately 2,000 water meters and reading devices located at residences. Water meters more than 16 years old will be targeted in the 2025 replacement program, along with meters that are not compatible with current meter reading technology. Residents and commercial property owners who are scheduled to receive a water meter replacement will receive a letter in the mail with specific information about the process.

Who is Eligible?

Water meters are identified as due for maintenance/replacement as part of this program when they have reached a certain age and/or are of a certain model. Water meters more than 16 years old will be targeted in the 2025 replacement program, along with meters that are not compatible with current meter reading technology. Water meter replacement is provided at no cost, and access to water meters is authorized by Sections 8-2A-1 and 8-2A-1:5.5.32 of the City of Naperville Municipal Code.

What to do if you receive a letter from Calumet City Plumbing Co., Inc

The City has contracted with Calumet City Plumbing Co., Inc. to assist with residential water meter replacements.

Because your water meter is located inside your home - usually in the basement, utility room or crawl space - you must schedule an appointment with Calumet City Plumbing for your meter replacement. A mailing will be sent to your home with instructions on how to schedule this appointment.

Water meter replacements are typically scheduled during weekday business hours. If these times do not work with your schedule, please call Calumet City Plumbing at 708-868-0074 to make alternate arrangements.

What to Expect if Your Meter is Being Replaced

Your water meter replacement will take approximately one hour to complete. Water service will be turned off during that time and will be restored once the new meter is installed. For commercial properties, it is the responsibility of the management company to notify tenants of the scheduled water shut off. To assist in these efforts, please make sure that your water meter is easily accessible to the installer and that the individual present in your home during the appointment is at least 18 years old. Calumet City Plumbing will not enter the property if the only person present is younger than 18.

Contractor employees adhere to the same courteous and professional service standards as Naperville utility employees, will arrive on time and will carry City-issued photo ID cards. Their vehicles will carry a placard indicating that they are an authorized contractor for the City. Contractors are prohibited from soliciting additional work.

Residents who receive a new water meter should note that it is not uncommon to see a slight water bill increase as the new meter tracks water usage more accurately.