Fire Suppression Systems and Permit Application

The Naperville Fire Department is the authority with jurisdiction for permit issuance and acceptance testing and inspections of fire suppression systems. This includes new systems and/or modifications/alterations to existing systems. Fire protection systems include, but are not limited to: Sprinkler systems, dry pipe systems, standpipe systems and ANSUL Systems, etc. All required fire protection systems must be approved by the Fire Department before an occupancy permit will be issued.

  • Basements, mechanical penthouses and areas under canopies where vehicles have access shall be included when calculating the building square footage.


Electrical Equipment shall meet NFPA 13 Section "Sprinkler protection shall be required in electrical equipment rooms. Hoods or shields installed to protect important electrical equipment from sprinkler discharge shall be non-combustible."

Electrical rooms/closets and sprinklers shall not be required where all of the following conditions are met:

  1. The room is dedicated to electrical equipment only.
  2. Only dry-type electrical equipment is used.
  3. Equipment is installed in a two-hour fire-rated enclosure including protection for penetrations.
  4. No combustible storage is permitted to be stored in the room

The exempt locations must provide a fixed-temperature heat detector, separately zoned at the FACP.

Standpipe Systems

Standpipe systems shall be installed in all buildings three (3) or more stories in height with common corridors exceeding twenty-five (25’) feet in length, and are required in each stairwell at every level. Standpipe systems shall be installed in all buildings which are four (4) or more stories in height including penthouses.

Standpipe systems shall be installed in all buildings where any portion of the building floor area is more than 400 feet of travel from the nearest point of fire department vehicle access.

Dry Standpipe systems are not permitted.

Fire Department Connection (F.D.C.) shall be a 5-inch Stortz connection. A 2 1/2-inch NST Single F.D.C. shall be acceptable where piped to a 3-in (76-mm) or smaller riser.


Fire Protection systems must be inspected at certain intervals according to the following schedule:

Fire Sprinkler Systems

  • Rough inspection of piping and flush test
  • Flow test
  • Hydrostatic test
  • Final acceptance/performance test

ANSUL Systems

  • Trip/Dump test (Includes verification of fire panel zoning)
  • Final acceptance/performance test

Other Systems

  • Information is provided on the plan review comment sheet/form, included with your permit.

Inspections may be scheduled by calling (630) 420-6100, Option 1, at least 72 hours in advance. When inspections are scheduled, all appropriate installers must be present.

The fee for all inspections is $68.

If an inspection/test fails, the Fire Department will attempt to accommodate the fire protection system installer’s request by scheduling a re-test the next business day. Any re-inspection/re-test will result in a fee of $68 per hour, one hour minimum.

Permit Issuance

Plans for each fire protection system must be submitted through the Civic Access portal. The Civic Access portal gathers all of the information needed to apply, pay for, and manage permits in one convenient place. It is designed for use on a desktop/laptop computer.

Plans are generally reviewed and written comments provided within 14 to 21 calendar days. After the review is completed, the applicant will be furnished with an electronic set of stamped drawings, which is required to be printed and on-site and available for the Fire Department inspector.

The plan submittal shall include:

  • A set of plans for each fire protection system
  • Fire protection system calculations
  • Manufacturer's specification sheets on all devices

The plan review fee must accompany the submitted plans. The plan review fee is $48.00 per page plus $.50 per sprinkler head plus $18.00 clerical fee, and the first inspection fee of $68.00.

Fire protection systems must be designed and installed and function in accordance with locally adopted codes and locally adopted amendments to the codes. This information, and other general information regarding Fire Protection Systems and Fire Alarm Systems is available from Development Services. To obtain this information, call (630) 420-6100, Option 2 or email to

For details on the permitting process, including submittal, reviews, fees and issuance, visit the Building Permits page.