Fuel Tank Permits
Automotive Service Stations
Above-ground tanks shall not be used for the outside storage of motor fuels at automotive service stations.
Remote Locations
Above-ground tanks or environmentally safe below-ground fuel vaults for the storage of motor fuels at remote locations, may be approved by special permit issued by the Office of the Naperville Fire Marshal.
Above-ground tanks or environmentally safe below-ground fuel vaults used for the storage of motor fuels at remote locations, to which the public does not have access, shall be installed in accordance with this Section and the requirements for fire-resistant tanks or tanks in vaults specified in NFPA 30A listed in Chapter 57 of the IFC (2018).
Physical Protection
Physical barriers complying with IFC 2306.4 and Section 312 shall be provided to protect the area where tanks, except those installed in special enclosures, are located.
Fuel Delivery
Motor fuels shall be transferred from tanks by means of fixed pumps so designed and equipped to allow control of the flow and prevent leakage or accidental discharge.
Stationary Tank Information
The application to install, remove, repair or alter any stationary tank for the storage of flammable or combustible liquids shall contain a general description of the proposed work and include two (2) copies of a drawing indicating the location, use, capacity and piping arrangement of all existing and proposed tanks located, or which are to be located, on the premises, as well as all adjacent structures and property lines. Information confirming that the tank complies with the design requirements of the International Fire Code, Section 105, shall be attached to or made a part of the application.
To apply for a permit, please visit the Civic Access portal. The Civic Access portal gathers all of the information needed to apply, pay for, and manage permits in one convenient place. It is designed for use on a desktop/laptop computer.
For details on the permitting process, including submittal, reviews, fees and issuance, visit the Building Permits page.
Permit application and approval of the Office of the State Fire Marshal is required.
Office of the State Fire Marshal
Division of Fire Prevention
James R. Thompson Center
100 West Randolph
Suite 11-800
Chicago, Illinois 60601
(312) 814-2693