Sign Permit

Before installing or posting a temporary or permanent sign, businesses must obtain a sign permit. View Sign Code regulations here.

Temporary Sign Permit

There are various types of temporary signs including cold-air balloons, banners and A-frame style signs. Businesses may display temporary signs for no more than four weeks per calendar year. Signs must be displayed for a full week at a time. Businesses may choose to display a temporary sign four weeks in a row or in one-week increments throughout the course of the year.

Businesses must obtain separate permits for each sign at a location. Each temporary sign is subject to a review fee. 

When submitting a temporary sign application, you must include a location drawing that indicates where the temporary sign will be placed. In addition, a drawing or picture of the temporary sign must be submitted with the application. In most instances, temporary sign permits can be approved and issued at the time of application.

To apply for a permit, please visit the Civic Access portal. The Civic Access portal gathers all of the information needed to apply, pay for, and manage permits in one convenient place. It is designed for use on a desktop/laptop computer.

For details on the permitting process, including submittal, reviews, fees and issuance, visit the Building Permits page. 

Permanent Sign Permit

A permanent sign permit is required for all wall and monument signs. Each sign is subject to a application fee and an inspection fee. An additional fee is charged for the inspection of electrical signs. 

When submitting a permanent sign application, applicants must include all of the following supporting documents:

  • A scaled drawing of the proposed sign that includes all dimensions.
  • A site plan showing the building and sign in relationship to streets, parking areas and entrances. 
  • A detailed, scaled drawing of the building elevation where the sign will be placed. Drawing must includes all dimensions. (Wall signs only)
  • A site drawing or plat of survey indicating the exact location of the proposed sign including dimensions and setbacks. (Monument and ground signs only)
  • A completed Electricians Certification Form. (All signs with electricity)
  • A completed application for new electric service, if necessary. (Signs requiring new electric service only)

The application, fees and all supporting documents must be completed and submitted before we begin processing your sign request. Once a completed sign request is received, City staff will grant or deny a permit within 14 calendar days.

To apply for a permit, please visit the Civic Access portal. The Civic Access portal gathers all of the information needed to apply, pay for, and manage permits in one convenient place. It is designed for use on a desktop/laptop computer.
For details on the permitting process, including submittal, reviews, fees and issuance, visit the Building Permits page.