Building Permits Issued Reports

Monthly building permit data from the City of Naperville now can be obtained without filing a formal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. All linked reports are saved as searchable PDF files.

Building Permits Issued - Detail Report

The reports linked below contain permit type, contractor and valuation information for all building permits issued by month.                                                                                                            



  • 2025 - January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December
  • 2024 - December


Building Permits Issued - Summary Report

The reports linked below include information on the types of permits issued, the comparison to the same month of the previous year and an outline of the costs estimated with each permit. These reports are not address-specific, but rather demonstrate the general building activity in Naperville on a monthly basis. 


Building Permits Issued - by Type

The reports available via the links below provide detailed information for each permit category (e.g. single family, duplex, townhome, commercial, etc.).  

Apartments (APTP)

Single Family Residential Permits by Subdivision (BPPMTISU)

Commercial Building Additions (CCAD)

Commercial (COM) - building new or addition

Commercial Building Alterations 

Duplex (DPXP)

Finished Residential Basement (FB)  included with all Residential alterations

Business Occupancy Permits (OCC)

Residential Alterations (RAL)

Residential Large Room Additions (RADL)

Residential Building Additions (RAD)

Single Family Homes (SFRP)

Townhomes (THA)

Building Permit Occupancy Report

The reports linked below include properties that have been issued temporary or final certificates of occupancy. The reports include new single-family homes, duplexes, townhomes, apartments, condominiums, and commercial buildings. The reports only include buildings receiving their initial occupancies. They do not include existing buildings undergoing remodeling or changes in ownership/tenancy.